Immigration News

Italian government banned arrivals from 13 countries including Bangladesh


The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, signed today, after hearing the ministers of Foreign Affairs, the Interior and Transport, an ordinance that provides for the ban on entry and transit in Italy to people who in the fourteen previous days have stayed or they have passed through the following countries: Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Kuwait, North Macedonia, Moldova, Oman, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic.

Direct and indirect flights to and from the countries listed above are also suspended to ensure a sufficient level of health security. “The pandemic is now in its most acute period in the world. We can’t nullify the Italians’ sacrifices over those months. That’s why we choose the path of utmost prudence. “These are the words of Roberto Speranza, Minister of Health.

All flights from Bangladesh have been suspended for 7 days. The decision was taken by the Italian government on Tuesday, July 6, after 21 Bangladeshi coronaviruses were identified on a flight to Rome.

Health Minister Roberto Speranza has signed an order suspending flights from Bangladesh for a week after a significant number of the person who is affected by coronavirus arrived in Rome on a flight from Bangladesh last Monday, according to the report in the “Corriere Della Sera” .

The health ministry said in a statement that it would work with new precautionary measures to stay out of the European Union and the Schengen area.

Flights from Bangladesh to Italy were suspended for two months due to the epidemic coronavirus. Special flights resumed on June 16 after the lockdown in Italy was relaxed. Then in the last two weeks, about one thousand three hundred Bangladeshi expatriates reached Italy on a special flight.

Authorities in the Lazio region converted the expatriates from different countries into a field hospital at Terminal 5 at Fiumicino Airport to test for the coronavirus. However, the attention of the Lazio region was not focused only on the 225 passengers who landed on Monday. In fact, 1,300 Bangladeshis have arrived in the capital in recent weeks with five more special flights.

In a statement, Regional Health Councilor Alessio D’Amoto said all Bangladeshis living in the capital were urged to take the coronavirus test on their own initiative and to find out if most of them had covid.

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